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What we do

Strategy / Identity / Campaign / Digital / Broadcast / Experience

The best brands are built on everyday iteration

We embarked on an exciting journey with Britam to launch their Easy Earner campaign. Our mission was to create a comprehensive ad campaign and digital strategy that would resonate with the target audience and drive engagement. We started by crafting compelling print materials that effectively communicated the benefits of the Easy Earner program. These materials were designed to be visually appealing and informative, providing potential customers with a clear understanding of the program’s value proposition.

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We designed a series of ads that were strategically placed in high-traffic areas to maximize visibility. These ads featured bold visuals and concise messaging to capture attention and spark interest in the Easy Earner program. In the digital realm, we created a series of social media ads and posts tailored to Britam’s diverse online audience. These digital assets were designed to drive engagement, increase brand awareness, and encourage sign-ups for the Easy Earner program.

Adapting to change as it happens

Odd Gorilla is brand partner to I&M Bank Uganda, working together to create a compelling global icon. And there’s lots to do. Like inspiring billions of imaginations, using the power of banking to strengthen communities, encourage participation, and inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs and society.

Unifying storytelling across the board

At Odd Gorilla, we work hand in had with our partners to make sure there’s consistent high quality communication right from the smallest points of customer interaction all the way to the biggest of screens.